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Ciao Bella

Dec 20, 2021

A certified carbon footprint of a bottle of wine? Eno-sustainability champion Michele Manelli pioneers a more sustainable landscape of enoculture in Montepulciano


Ciao Bella

INSTAGRAM: @ericafirpo


Dec 20, 2021

From Pliny the Younger and Napoleon to George Clooney and the Roys of Succession, Como is Italy's ultimate exclusive Italian lake destination, and no one knows it better than Bianca Passera, 3rd generation hotelier and CEO of Lario Hotels. 

Lario Hotels

Ciao Bella

INSTAGRAM: @ericafirpo


Dec 6, 2021

Incubator, Innovator, Educator.  H Farm is the future of Italy in a state-of-the art eco sustainable campus in Treviso that has launched some of the world's most powerhouse start up and has a K-University academy for future Steve Jobs.  Founder Riccardo Donadon shares the story of Italy's very own Sicilian Valley.


Nov 29, 2021

Gallerie d'Italia is Intesa San Paolo's incredible collection of 30,000 works of art across three incredible palaces in Milan, Vicenza and Napoli (and Torino soon). Intesa San Paolo Director Michele Coppola talks with Erica about The Grand Tour, temporary exhibits and events and the future of Gallerie d'Italia.

Nov 22, 2021

Hot motorcycles and smart women. Livia Cevolini revs up the roads as CEO of Energica and talks with Erica about women in tech.


Ciao Bella

INSTAGRAM: @ericafirpo